Aug 24, 2009

لينكهاي مفيد

برنامه‌ي ترم مهر 1388

قابل توجه دانشجويان ذرات بنيادي و نجوم دانشكده‌ي علوم پايه‌ي تهران مركز

برنامه‌ي گروه ذرات بنيادي در ترم مهر 1388 به قرار زير است:
كد: 1739875 ذرات بنيادي پيشرفته‌ي 1، دكتر مهربان، 1شنبه‌ها ساعت 13:00 الي 15:25 (روز امتحان 1/11/88)
كد: 1760017 موضوعات ويژه، دكتر مهربان، 1 شنبه‌ها، ساعت 9:55الي 12:20 (8/11/88)
كد: 1739888 سمينار.
قابل توجه است كه بالاخره نامه‌نگاري و فشار بچه‌هاي گروه ذرات بنيادي در مرحله‌ي اول نتيجه داده و موضوعات ويژه كه هنوز مشخص نيست گروه لي و جبر است يا نظريه‌ي ميدان‌هاي كوانتمي1 ارائه شده است.
بقيه‌ي دروس ويژه‌ي دانشجويان ترم بهمن شامل دروس الكتروديناميك1-آماري پيشرفته 1-كوانتم پيشرفته‌ي 2 مي‌باشد.
كد: 1739879 آماري پيشرفته1، خانم كيمياگر، شنبه‌ها، 7:30 الي 9:55/ خانم كيمياگر، شنبه‌ها، 9:55الي 12:20/ ابراهيم زاده 4شنبه‌ها، 13:00الي15:25/ 5شنبه‌ها، 13:00الي 15:25
برنامه‌ي درسي دوستان نجوم:
گرانش 2: شنبه‌‌ها، محسن زاده،
مكانيك كلاسيك: شنبه‌‌ها، جليليان
الكتروديناميك1: دورانيان، چهارشنبه‌ها / رئيس‌علي، چهارشنبه‌ها
لازم به ذكر است ثبت‌نام از تاريخ 17 شهريور شروع و تا 29 شهريور ادامه خواهد داشت.

Aug 11, 2009

School On Astroparticle Physics (In German)

07 Oct 2009 → 15 Oct 2009; Obertrubach-Baernfels, Germany

[ID=267542]TCADS-1 — 1st International Workshop on Technology and Components of Accelerator Driven Systems

15 Mar 2010 → 17 Mar 2010; Karlsruhe, Germany
organizer: Karslruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Eurotrans
topics: Specific aspects for the ADS accelerators: Continuous mode and operational control; Reliabilities and fail safety; High beam power and low losses; Safety systems. Neutron sources: Current and future intense neutron sources; Spallation and non-spallation targets; Design concepts and required technologies (e.g. coolant, materials, performance, instrumentation, etc); Operational characteristics and related technical issues (e.g. window/windowless, solid/liquid, interface between accelerator and target, etc). Sub-critical systems: Design concepts and performance parameters (e.g. transmutation, energy production, etc); ADS fuel/target design options; Sub-critical reactor physics (e.g. reactivity monitoring, etc); Materials, coolant technology and thermal-hydraulics Unique ADS auxiliary systems (e.g. target replacement, refuelling machine, etc); Related safety issues. Current ADS experiments and test facilities: Low power coupling experiments; Zero power physics simulators.

JUAS 2010 — Joint Universities Accelerator School: Two Courses on Particle Accelerators

04 Jan 2010 → 12 Mar 2010; Archamps, France
topics: Accelerator physics: Introduction to accelerators, Revision of relativity and electro-magnetism, Charged particle optics, Transverse beam dynamics, Longitudinal beam dynamics, Linear imperfections and non-linear resonances, Linear accelerators, Space charge and instabilities, Injection and extraction, Cyclotrons, Synchrotron radiation, Summing up in a mini-workshop. Technologies and applications: Introduction to accelerators and components, Radio-frequency engineering, Vacuum systems, Design of accelerator magnets, Superconducting magnets, Superconducting RF cavities, Beam instrumentation, Particle sources, Accelerator controls, Radiation and safety

Aug 9, 2009

Title: SUSY & R-parity

Saereh Najjari, Tafresh University
August 16, 2009 Place: Farmanieh Seminar Room

Abstract: In this talk, I will review the Hierachy problem and how supersymmetry solves this problem. I then review R-parity and phenomenological consequences. Then I discuss R-parity violation.


IPM School on Early Universe Cosmology (IEUC09)

Inflationary cosmology has emerged as the leading candidate for explainingthe recent observational data. The IPM School on Early Universe Cosmology isintended to provide background knowledge for advanced PhD students andresearchers who would like to work in the field and covers various aspectsof inflationary cosmology and related ideas.The topics which will be covered in the School include:
Review of basics of inflation
Models of preheating and reheating
Inflation from string theory
Inflation from particle physics scenarios beyond the Standard Model
Alternative to Inflation
The School is organized in a series of 3-4 lectures on each topic by prominent physicists of the fields.
Click on the Poter

خبرنامه ذرات-3

اخبار کنفرانسهای بین المللی

دوباره مانند قبل کنفرانسهای ماه های آخر سال میلادی و سال بعد میلادی را به روز می کنیم. طی روزهای آینده تعدادی دیگر از این کنفرانسها، مدرسه های ذرات و کیهان شناسی و اخترفیزیک ذرات را خواهید دید.

3rd International Workshop on High Energy Physics in the LHC Era

04 Jan 2010 → 08 Jan 2010; Valparaiso, Chile
abstract: It will include both theoretical and experimental issues. Particular emphasis will be placed on the forthcoming experiments at LHC and the related theory. However, presentations of physics results from other accelerator facilities, such as the Tevatron, RHIC, SLAC, HERA, JLAB, and non-accelerator based experiments are strongly encouraged. Theory talks are expected to cover and go beyond the scope of the physics from these facilities.
topics: high-energy particle and nuclear physics: the Standard Model and beyond; High Energy QCD and Higgs searches, Heavy Ion Collisions; Phenomenology of AdS/CFT; Astroparticles; Cosmic Rays; Instrumentation for HEP experiments

PANDA Collaboration Meeting

07 Dec 2009 → 11 Dec 2009; Darmstadt, Germany

BEYOND 2010 — 5th International Conference on Beyond the Standard Models of Particle Physics, Cosmology and Astrophysics

BEYOND 2010 — 5th International Conference on Beyond the Standard Models of Particle Physics, Cosmology and Astrophysics

01 Feb 2010 → 06 Feb 2010; Cape Town, South Africa
topics: SUSY/SUGRA phenomenology, g-2 status. Search for Higgs and SUSY particles at colliders and underground laboratories. Search for proton decay, magnetic monopoles and antimatter. Status and explanations of the PAMELA/ATIC anomaly. Phenomenology of superstrings and Planck scale physics. Inflationary and quantum cosmology. Leptogenesis and baryogenesis. Baryonic matter at high and low densities and temperatures, Quark-gluon and chiral restoration phase transitions. Phase transitions in neutron stars. Cosmological parameters from nucleosynthesis, CMB, Lya forest, large-scale structure and distant supernovae Ia. Dark energy, baryonic and dark matter in galaxies, clusters of galaxies, filaments and voids. Variability of the fundamental constants in observations and theory. Neutrino masses and mixing parameters from solar, atmospheric, supernova, reactor and accelerator neutrinos. Neutrino data expected from a future supernova at 10 kpc distance. Status of double ß-decay. Relic neutrinos from ancient supernovae and big bang. Seesaw mechanism and the ?MSM. Search for sterile neutrino decays in the X-ray background and galaxies, and in hadronic decay modes at accelerators. Sterile neutrinos and pulsar kicks. The mystery of the earliest quasars and the formation of supermassive black holes from baryonic and dark matter. Helioseismology and dark matter in the sun. Supernovae Ic, coalescing neutron stars/black holes and gamma-ray bursts. High-energy cosmic rays and GZK effect. Synthesis of heavy and superheavy elements in supernovae and in the laboratory. Fundamental symmetries and their violations CP, T and CPT violations predicted and observed in the lepton and quark sectors. Lorentz invariance and equivalence principle. Tests of General Relativity: binary pulsars/black holes and gravitational waves.

school & conference on Exotic Nuclei...

21 June - 3 July (3=Sat)School and Conference on Exotic Nuclei and Nuclear/Particle Astrophysics (III). From Nuclei to Stars (Sinaia - Romania)Organizer(s): Directors: A. Smirnov, S. Stoica, L. Trache

کلیک کنید

ICTP 2010 summer school on Cosmology

19 July - 30 July Summer School in CosmologyOrganizer(s): Directors: P.Creminelli, M. Viel, U. Seljak

ICTP 2010 workshop on Quarks & Leptons

26 May - 28 May International Workshop: Gribov 80, Memorial Workshop on Quarks, Hadrons and Strong InteractionsOrganizer(s): Directors: L. Bertocchi ,D. Treleani, Y. Dokshitzer, P. Levai, J. Nyiri

It is not arregnged. I will add complemetary comments

وضعیت نامشخص گروه ذرات بنیادی تهران مرکز

مسأله خیلی ساده است. گروه فیزیک با وجودیکه از دو سال پیش ذرات بنیادی گرفته هنوز نمی دونه و نمی خواد بدونه که اصلاً در این گرایش چه دروسی باید تدری بشه. مکانیک کلاسیک جای ذرات پیشرفته و موضوعات ویژه ی نامعلوم جای میدان های کوانتمی. و پیگریها و اعتراضهای بچه های گروه ذرات که فایده نداشت. ما استاد نداریم. یک نفر دکتر مهربان دروس پایه رو درس میدن و ذرات مقدماتی و پیشرفته که ادامه ی مقدماتیه.